Glass Table Tops - Why and How to Get Them
Can any one type of table be considered the best? There's no accounting for tastes, and different materials are more or less suited to different purposes, so the answer would have to be "no". Glass table tops, while not the most popular choice for tables, do offer a wide range of benefits for people who make use of them, however. Besides use as protective glass table tops, they also suitable for use by themselves. Let's take a look at the different situations in which we would want to use glass as a table surface. Keep in mind that we are talking about tempered glass table tops here- this type of glass should be used because there is less chance of injury should the glass inadvertently break during use.
Custom glass table tops are easily purchased from glass companies who offer a wide range of sizes. These will be available for a number of standard shapes, such as circular, square, rectangular, and oval. For protective or replacement glass, this is the most economical way to get glass. Glass will protect marble from etching, which it does easily when exposed to common acids like fruit juice and coffee. It will also prevent wood from getting dented when used for a writing surface- pine furniture is soft and may dent easily.